My IPhone3gs doesn't flip to horizontal when I turn it

Ok so normally when you are on an iPhone or any touchscreen, and you flip the phone horizontally, the screen flips as well, but now my phone has stopped doing that all of a sudden and I can't get it to flip horizontally at all! Does anyone know why or how I can fix this? Please answer this is desperate.

Double click the home button, and slide to the left. There should be a little button that has a arrow In a circle, it has a lock in the middle. (This is on the left side of the bottom of the screen) click it. The little lock Icon should disappear. And tada! You're done.

You may have accidentally disabled auto rotation. You can enable it by double-clicking the home button, and scrolling left to right in the little bar that appears at the bottom of the screen. On the left side of this, there's a box with the auto rotate icon. Of there's a lock in the box, click it and your problem should be fixed.

Hope this helps!

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