My new iphone 6 won't turn on or charge?

I just got a new iphone 6 4 days ago and it won't turn on or charge at all, it didn't run out of battery cuz last time i checked it was at 95 percent please help me

Added (1). Nvm i just held the home and wake/sleep button togethor for 15 seconds, but why did it just randomly shut off to the point i can't turn it back on without doing a special thing?

Ditch it and go buy a Samsung!

Sounds to me like you just accidentally turned it off without realizing it, however if you have further problems, Apple would be glad to take care of you, my Iphone was hell bent a month into ownership and they replaced it for me for free. Don't switch to samsung because I can't say the same about their customer service lol.

I don't know why it did that, but unless it happens again then it shouldn't be a problem.

P.s. I wouldn't get a Samsung cause iPhones are easier to use and have better apps.