My optimum internet keeps disconnecting and connecting constantly?

We just switched from Verizon fios a week ago, maybe sooner, and recently I noticed that I can never STAY CONNECTED to the internet. I first noticed it while I was on my Iphone. I see the Wi-Fi symbol flip on and off from 4G to the Wi-Fi waves. Its a nuisance because I can't even use the internet on my phone. (Mind you I don't have unlimited data so using the 4g adds up!) While on the computer, I see it connecting and disconnecting. This happens constantly AND consistently. It will probably happen more than 1 time in 10 min. It's very aggravating. My sister could not even get to question 3 of her final exam due to this poor excuse for internet! I don't really know what is going with this internet (and I have no experience with this whatsoever so I apologize if the solution is clear) But if anyone can shed some light as to what I should do or explain (in simple words! I don't know the counterparts of the computer!) I would deeply appreciate it!


open the above link and chat with optimum internet support provider.raising the complaint may fix your problem

Optimum Online got serious problems with DNS servers, they disconnect you for few seconds and reconnect… For now is no solution, only if you have your own modem and the same using without router… This problem is only in some areas, i wish i have Verizon available in my area, that would solve the problem

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