My parents looked at my texts! How do i report them?

I live in america and my parents got me an iphone x for christmas and i got in trouble at school for harassing this girl and when i got home my parents wanted to see my texts and i refused and they said they will take my phone for a day if i don't let them see so i screamed at them to **** off and they tried to grab it so i hit my mom and ran away and tripped and smashed my
phone on the floor and it cracked. I want to report my parents i'm really mad because that phone was so expensive and THEY ******* BROKE IT THEIR SITS STUPID FFS. They offered to get me a new iphone x but i'm still really upset and want to get them in trouble with the cops so they don't do something like that again

This is to ridiculous to even be considered factual. Not even a good try.

Are you under 18?
Then legally you have NO privacy from your parents.
They are legally in charge of you, and are responsible for raising you to be a functional adult. You have no say in this.

You definitely sound like a child. And a guilty child at that.

As for your phone, who paid for it? Who pays for the data time?
I doubt if it is legally YOUR phone.

You don't, if you didn't harass that girl none of this wouldve happened

Absolutely pathetic! I've seen more sophisticated trolling attempts from brain-damaged research monkeys.

Child, Learn it Now!
You are the property of your parents or guardians until
1. You reach the age of Majority. (18) or
2. You acquire a court order giving you emancipation (16+).

In the meantime, you and everything you think you own are the property of your "betters". They can almost anything they want with you and the property they allow you to possess.
If you become an annoyance, fail to obey. They can report you to the government as Incorrigible, or Delinquent. Then the court can take over, putting you in either a foster home, juvenile facility, or Mental instantiation depending on your actions.

Lets clear a few things up shall we?

1) Its their phone- They paid for the phone with their money, and they pay the monthly bill/data plan on it! So really, it's their phone, but they are being nice enough to let you borrow it! Until you buy a phone of your ownj and pay for it with your own money, than its theirs, not yours.

2) You could report them to the police, but I can guarantee you the first thing the cops will do is ask you who owns the phone. The minute you tell them they bought it/pay the bill, the cops will shut you down right there and say there's nothing to report, and if they think your an ahole about it, they could charge you with filing a false report

3) Your lucky and I mean very lucky that you weren't charged with hitting your mom!

Kid, you got so much growing up to its absurd!