My parents won't buy me a new phone?

I still have an iPhone 4s, it's like 7 years old, it can't even get new updates, it's small, and it's painfully laggy. Mine is stuck on iOS 8, I can't even update it. My parents say "that phone is fine", it's not fine. It barely works. They not let me get a new iPhone, I want at least an iPhone 6 and they won't even get me that. What should I do? I'm going crazy.

Find a way to earn the money and buy it for yourself.

BTW, some parents don't buy cell phones for their teens.

Maybe you can save up your own money and buy it yourself

Figure out a way to make some money you can save up and contribute towards a phone.

Good for them

Get a job, buy a phone.

Save up your money and buy one on your own.

Remember parrents are not atm machine.