My sister was blocking the bathroom door and having a tantrum when I was on a family vacation. Was I right to grab her shoulders?
I lost it with her and grabbed her shoulders and said will you cut it out and grow the hell up. I called her a bad word as well. We were like two little kids arguing over a toy. I'm never going to go on a vacation that she's on again and she said she's never speaking to me again which is fine with me.
Is it OK to grab someone by the shoulders since it's not going to injure them or was this assault? She's insane ( not literally) so she claimed I was choking her which of course was not at all the case. Those on the vacations that I was fine not to feel guilty but I kind of felt bad that I grabbed her by the shoulders. The aunt did smile and say "ooh, if it was your brother it would be OK but I wouldn't do it to a lady". Certainly I would never put my hands on a woman in terms of injuring a woman at all.
Excuse any grammar errors I'm talking into my iPhone.
Yes… You should have slapped her face too!
Yes because she refuses to let you in the bathroom, I mean it's not like you shove er on the floor or anything. You are not alone. I fight with my sister all the time, first of all to me it didn't sound that bad, I mean all you did was grab her by the shoulder and said will you cut it out and grow the hell up. It didn't sounded too horrible it's nothing to worry about. People can be biased because she's a girl.
No cause two wrongs don't make it right, i just wouldnt go on vacation if she was going to be there
First of all are you a guy or a girl? I don't know you just grabbed her its not a big deal
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