New Iphone. Should I buy it?

Back-round: I'm a college student who currently has an Iphone 7+. I transfer out to university this upcoming fall semester (I've been at community college) meaning I'll be extra broke and won't be able to afford any sort of phone upgrade for probably the next 2+ years. I have the money now, should i go for it?

Also, I like the quality of apples cameras/software compatibility too much to go back to an android phone.

Go for a cheap android smartphone. Thee is plenty available. You don't need the top of the line phone unless you really care about having a very pretty screen or your gonna be gaming on it.

If you're going to be broke within the next year or so, why waste your money now? It makes absolutely no financial sense to buy a new phone right now. If your current iPhone still works, just keep it. You don't need a new phone for university.

To me, it makes more sense to save that money that you would have spent on the phone and use it later on for books or something you may need for school.
