On iPhone will my message still say delivered even if I've been blocked?

If someone blocked me will the message still say delivered?

It won't deliver it if you have been blocked. There's nowhere for the message to go.

I assume it would because first, the message itself has to be sent from your phone to the other person. Once the message is received the phone tells the message it is blocked so the person doesn't even get an alert about it.

Are you referring to a text from an iphone or an app?

A blocked text iphone to iphone will still show delivered if they've blocked you because it has still been delivered to the carrier/device. That only shows if the person you're sending it to has another apple device that it's being delivered to. Not seeing a read message doesn't mean you're blocked, it can mean they have read receipts turned off. Sending to a non apple device doesn't give any confirmation of delivery.

Apps like Whatsapp, kik, telegram… Vary on the app but there's usually ways to tell if you're blocked or not.

On iMessage no once someone blocks your number on iMessage it will not say delivered and never will because they won't receive the message ever

No because blocking is a big deal