Is anyone else sick of this geek culture crap yet?
I'm so tired of these people.
You know the kind:
- They own a Macbook Air and an iPad AND an iPhone
- They whine about "bad design"
- They constantly spout memes (IRL as well) about the zombie apocalypse or how "EPIC" something was
- They wear nothing but novelty t-shirts
- They are either HUGE Nintendo fanboys or exclusively play shooters on their Xbox 360
- They are borderline anti-intellectual (IMO)
- They know nothing unless it's been posted on Reddit or has a million views on YouTube
- If they have any "geek cred" (their term, not mine) they've only "messed around" (what they all say when forced to prove it) with an Arduino or a Makerbot and in both cases were shown to be obscenely inadequate at even using those things which really aren't even anything more than VERY rudimentary prototyping tools. Worse yet is if they say they once "made a website" when what they really mean is that they spent an afternoon at the library messing around with Adobe Dreamweaver or once made a "really awesome Myspace page" (as if HTML is even a programming language).
This list could probably be a lot longer, but I feel sick just typing this. How do you guys feel about it? Is there even anyone on Yahoo Answers who knows what I'm talking about (not meant as an insult)?