I do not know the proper way to put it, but here's the story.
The other day, we had Charter hook up their Internet service at my new house because I had just moved to a new place. A few minutes after he arrived, he told us what he would do, and what we would get…
And then told us we would have to get a router to get any type of wireless service (he even said 'Don't shoot the Mexican!' from our reaction to it. Nearly made me pee myself laughing).
When we asked why, he could not say anything about it. It was probably because he could have gotten in trouble for saying why, which I understand. But he did say a bit more when I guess that it must have been from a huge law suit against Charter, and he said it was, and nothing else.
So, my question is, what happened to have something like that happen? To have a company as big as Charter remove all wireless functions from their modems? It had to happen recently, because our old modem from my previous house, which I lived in for about two months, has wireless (and I have that hooked up so my father can use his iPhone and such).
So… Yeah. Does anyone know what happened to cause a law suit THAT bad to happen to Charter? I know they have horrible service with everything they do (I only have them because it's my only choice, and that AT&T has a wonderful highspeed Internet of 3 mps… Ugh), but…