I'm getting a new laptop soon, Mac or Windows?

I currently have a Windows 7 laptop and I've been having a lot of troubles with it. It won't download iTunes and is really slow and I just dislike it. I've heard a lot of good things about the Mac, but I'm still new to Apple products, I also recently bought an iPhone. Should I go for the Mac or buy another Windows laptop? Also, what are some good things about the Mac?

Does using Wi-Fi on iPhone use data?

So after 7 years, I finally took the iPhone plunge. My dad's retirement plan got us discounted, unsold phones last week and we ordered iPhone 4s for the family. I made the rookie mistake of inadvertently leaving the 3G on whenever I wasn't connected to wi-fi, downloading a ton of apps that require internet connection, etc. We got a text saying an abnormal amount of data was used within a week and that ended up being via those mistakes. I've already shut off the cellular data on the phone for the time being but as a newbie to the whole iPhone thing - does leaving the wi-fi on but not 3G/cellular data add to the data plan or does it just work like a laptop and you can use wi-fi wherever?

How to make iphone 5s shiny?

Like i wanna make the metal back and sides all really shiny.

like sam pottorffs… Like in a couple videos ( the sexual one with jake boys) his iphone 5s is so shiny and i want it so bad…

External GPS or iPhone 5S maps for first time driver?

I just got my driver's license and getting acclimated to driving, and I need a GPS to assist me. Which would be the better choice to use for a GPS: an external GPS or my iPhone 5S's maps GPS feature? I have been using my iPhone the past couple days, but I'm curious if using a real GPS would have any advantages over my iPhone's maps application.

I was browsing GPSs on Amazon and the Garmin 50LM came up as the best choice (top-rated), but I'm definitely open to suggestions of there are others better. I'm not really on a budget, but I saw the Garmin 50LM is around $80, so I'm looking about that range.

Either choice, an external GPS or my iPhone, I would mount on the dashboard.

Iphone 5s 7.1.2 settings app?

So i updated my iphone 5s to 7.1.2 and after everything was done the settings app now always has that update icon (red circle with 1 on it) and it just annoys me i've tried restarting, rebooting, but it dosent seem to work. Is there something acually new in the settings place or its just a bug

Added (1).… I updated it to 7.1.2 the latest update did you not read the question