I have an iPhone 4S Verizon?

So as it says I have an iPhone 4S Verizon that is 6.0.1 unlocked by a gavey SIM card it's unlocked to tmobile it works fine but there's a problem the Internet does not work the tmobile Internet that I get from them doesn't seem to work I don't know why can someone please help me?

Why apple iphone? Cause it suxs?

Why would ppl buy iphone after spending all that $$$$ and have to pay for apps! My nokia x7 is all free apps, bigger 5inch screen and was used in the Transformers movie. And doesn't look like a bar of soap. Maybe steve jobs had his head in the produce aisle thinking to call a cell apple iphone lol lol

Why won't my iTunes card work on my iPhone 4?

I put 15 on it and wanna download a movie but it won't allow me to download anything it say payment information required i put my password in then it asks for a debit card and won't except my iTunes money

Is the bank holding my refund from school?

I recently got an email from my school saying that my refund of $2775 is direct deposited successfully into my bank account. I also got another direct deposit from the same school just different loan for $98 so there woukd be no reason for an accidental mix up bwyween another students bank account and mine. This went through however the $2775 didn't. I'm having to use my iPhone for all of my school work and it's beginning to be a hassle, therefore I needs the money to get a new computer. Wasn't sure if the bank was holding this $2775 for some reason or another. My school said it was successfully direct deposited on march 7, should I wait until Tuesday to call? Or call Monday? I know there's nothing the school can do about it because it said on my student website that they refunded the funds back to me and don't have them, so this would be a bank issue. Please give me some input about the situation! All answers are great appreciated!

How to get my iphone 4 through metal detectors at Lincoln highschool

I need it for football after so don't give me any *** i need the music to work out.
I need a sure way of doing it > we have a metal detector and a xray machine so when we walk in we put our bookpacks in the xray and we walk through the detector. If something rings they check if you have a belt if you do then put it in the xray and your shoes will go in the xray too. I have a small bookpack so i can out it under my shirt so i need a way to go through the metal detector with my phone without it ringing

Will a jailbroken iPhone 4 still work with my AT&T contract?

Well my Samsung phone has hit rock bottom and now I'm about to get a jailbroken iPhone 4. My only concern is if I get this iPhone will my regular AT&T contract still work with it? Like Internet and text messaging? I'm still on a contract with AT&T where I have 200mb of Internet and unlimited texting so my only concern is if I switch to this phone will it affect my contract in any way?

IPhone 4 doesn't do anything when plugged into computer

I have an iPhone 4 and it won't do anything when I plug it into my computer to connect to iTunes. I have had it for over 1 year and it works fine when it's plugged into my iHome. I've tried restarting my computer, turning off my phone, plugged the cord into a different outlet, but still nothing! What gives? I haven't had any problems with it until recently. I really wanna sync my phone to my iTunes so I can get new songs on there! It's so frustrating! Can someone help me please!