Bluetooth music on BMW 535xi?

I recently bought a BMW 535xi 2008, I paired it with my iPhone 4s and I can talk on the phone by car, but I can't seem to play music on it. Is there any possible ways I can play music without AUX, or any other wires?

No computer will recogonize my iphone. What do I do?

I have an Iphone 4. I have tried with different computers and different cords. When i plug my iphone into the computer it begins to charge but won't be recognized by the computer or the computer has a USB error. I have tried multiple times to fix this but nothing is working. Could it be a problem with my phone?

My iPhone screen is black

I accidentally dropped my phone on the floor and my screen went completely black. It will not come back on. But my phone is still on; It can still make all the normal sounds and things, I just can't see anything on the screen. I tried turning it off/turning it on, resetting it, and even restoring it. I don't know what else to do at this point. Does anyone know how I could possibly fix this or how much the apple store would charge me to get it fixed?

How to block a number on an iPhone 4S?

My brother has a 4S and he's getting weird texts I have heard that there's a way to block a number please don't answer if you are going to say its not possible it is trust me I know people who can I just don't talk to them much but they have done it anyways how do you do it! My brother is starting to get agitated.

My twitter account just wiped out?

Ok so I made a twitter account a couple months back, and I just started being more active, I had quite a few followers, but then one night it just wiped out. All my followers where gone, I couldn't tweet, nor see my tweets, only other people's. Nor send messages. I tryed logging out, and logging back in, but then I couldn't log in! I made a new account earlier today, and the same thing happened to it. Wtf is happening hear? Someone please help. ( I also tried going to the settings on iPhone for twitter and it keeps saying my username is invalid)

Is the iPhone 5 worth the extra money?

I'm switching to Sprint and the 4s is $99.99and the 5 is $199.99. Lots of people have been telling me to get the 4s because it's cheaper, smaller and cuter, and has just about everything the 5 has. Some people have been telling me to get the 5 because it's newer, lighter, apps don't lag, internet is faster, and better looking. In your opinion which is best? And from personal experience which is best?

*Didn't the 4s start off fast and the best too, then it got slower? If, so, wouldn't that be the same for the 5?

ITunes other memory problem?

I have a 16GB iPhone 4s and it is jailbroken (don't remember the stuff i used for it though) i have 3.3GB of music (430 songs or so) 3.1GB photos (218 pic/vids) 2GB apps 4.9 Other and.42GB free. How do i remove the 'other' without restoring my phone and such? Also it is version 5.1.1