I use a HP Laptop, windows 7, I have connected my iphone to my laptop umpteen times and everytime it is making the beeping noise, though it isn't charging or coming up on itunes, I have re installed itunes 3 times, reset my phone, restarted the laptop and nothing, anyone know how to resolve this?

Added (1). Thanks guys it was actually the fault of windows, it hadnt installed the drivers correctly so the device wouldnt respond to it! Uninstalled the device in the contol panel and plugged it in again, voila!

Why does my iphone use So MUCH data?

I run an iphone 5 on verizon and my data plan is either 4 or 5 gigs per month but i'm consistently over by A LOT, in december it says i used 13 gigs, and i have no idea how thats possible, i may have watched 2 or 3 netflix episodes, and i check facebook and instagram regularly, but other than that i don't use much data, how is my usage so dang high?

Can you see the content of a text message from paying the bills?

My parents are always warning me and reminding me that they can see who I'm texting, because I text during class a lot, but I'm still a straight A student and I don't text if there's something else I'm supposed to be doing, or listening to the teacher, I text when I'm done and have nothing to do.

So anyways, if I'm on ATT 4g iphone, I know my parents can see the numbers Iv been texting with the times, but can they see the actual message? I know there are programs and services you can get to see it, but can you see the actual message on the ATT bill or website or something?

Stolen Iphone? Info still there?

My iphone was stolen today at my highschool. Everything was backed up so i'm not worried about losing contacts and pictures. However if i deactivate the stolen one, theyy will still be able to access all my pictures and texts and emails. I had a password on it, but if they crack it… I don't know what to do. If they some how connect it up to itunes and refresh it or whatever to get the passcode off, will all my info still be in there? Can a&tt wipe the phone while deactivating it? What should i do! I'm freaking out

Break the home button on iPhone 4?

Right, I know this sounds mad, but are there and permanment ways to break the home button on the iphone?

The home button keeps on sticking, and it gets really annoying because it'll go off applications, it'll go on voice control in lessons and its a pain.

I've started to 'temporarily' break it by blowing in the phone and that seems to work well enough, i use the assisstive touch which i find pretty awesome:3 but can anyone suggest how to permanently break it because its really annoying.

Where should I go to have Verizon Iphone 4 unlocked?

I just bought a verizon locked iphone 4 from a friend and I'm not sure what other carriers I would use it with but I might just send it overseas but before I do that I want to unlock it.
My question is where do I have it unlocked?
Does Apple offer that kind of services or should I talk to the carrier?
I know about jail breaking it, but how much does it cost to have it factory unlocked?
These are my questions

Anyone have a review on Wickedtronics.com or other iphone parts dealers?

I'm looking at replacing iPhone screens as a sort of small business on the side. The problem is I'm having trouble finding an affordable parts dealer. Wickedtronics.com seems too have decent prices and good product selection but I can't seem to find any solid reviews on them. Also feel free to list any other iPhone parts dealers you know of!

I can't listen to some of the songs on my iphone?

Ok so i synced the songs on itunes and most of them were on my phone, but there are songs in there that i can't listen to, and they're still on the music app on the phone can somebody help me or how to fix this so then i can listen to every single misic on my iphone?

How to set an alarm on the iPhone for a certian day?

I have an iPhone 4 and I wanted to make an alarm for the 11th (it's the 8th) so I can remember to buy a ticket to this concert I wanted to go to before it sells out. My memory is awful so I was hoping there was a way I could do this.