Basically, when iMessage first came out with the release of iOS5 last year. I only had my iPod Touch 4G. My mum has an iPhone 4 and because I was tied into a mobile contract with Virgin Mobile, the signal was shocking at the home and they refused to cancel the whole contract so that left us with a contract unable to use.
So whenever I needed to text my mum, iMessage was always available for me.
So this August just passed, I bought myself an iPad 3 and whenever an iMessage was sent to me it came up both on my iPod and iPad.
But just the end of November, my grandparents have bought me an iPhone 5 for Christmas and let me have it early as my contract came to an end. It was automatically enabled with iMessage but when I sent people my new number, it automatically picked up people who had iPhones and would send them an iMessage which sent them it from my email and not my number so I disabled it from my iPhone.
So anyway, last weekend, in my mum's phone she has "Jack iPod" "Jack" which just my name on its own is my mobile number, and I tried to merge iMessage and my number into one contact but it wouldn't let me, mainly because it it kept confusing whether to send normal or iMessage.
But here is the main problem I'm facing. After failure to merge the two together, I split them back up again in her phone, and the next day I was showing her the feature introduced with iOS6 where you can send and automated message when someone rings you and you are unable to answer. And I showed her it and rung her iPhone from mine and sent myself an automated message. But the message never came through to my phone, it went through to my iPad.
Even though the numbers are separate because in her phone now there's "Jack" which is my iPhone and "Jack (iPad)" which is my iMessage. It sent it to my iPad, even though I Phoned her from my phone!
So if I was ever out and she couldn't answer her phone, I'm not going to know that, I need it to come through to my phone!
What to do?