Cheapest company to have an iPhone with?

Unlimited text,
least amount of calling minutes to make it cheaper if possible
and the least amount of data if cheaper.

Added (1). Not just a phone. An iPhone

What is the lowest credit score sasktel will allow to buy an iphone?

I want to buy an iPhone but my credit score is at 600 or below. And i really need a good phone but i know they do credit checks and sometimes don't allow you to have a contract if your credit score is too low and i was wondering what was the lowest and if that is too low.

Where can I find an iPhone 3G case?

Hey guys… I'm looking for an iPhone 3G case with a Bluetooth keyboard… One of those slider deals for a secret Santa gift. The problem is I can't seem to find them. I don't even know if they made these types of cases for the older iPhone, but any help would be appreciated!

How to stop Game Center interfering in iPhone games?

It always pops out while i'm playing temple/cut the rope/sims. I tried cancelling it away but it didn't work, then when i tried to sign in it's stuck on loading. I opened the game center itself, it also stuck in loading and i can't see a sign in button. Please help? I already tried the restriction and notifications but sadly it didn't work. My wi-fi seems to work well either.

Is there a way i talk and surf with the iPhone 5 on sprint?

I have just got my sprint phone and i can't talk and surf the web at the same time, i'm planing to jailbreak once its out, and i'm wondering if there's a app on cydia that can allow me to surf and talk. Or somehow to surf and talk, Because This is just sucks =/

Free iPhone without contract?

I currently buy and sell phones on craigslist. Recently, a seller of phones contacted me asking if i wanted to buy 3 Brand New iPhone 4 devices for only $130 without a contract. I have bought from them one other time and got the same deal. They were somehow able to get hold of new phones often, fast, and extremely cheep because they were sold to me for such a low price.

What exactly do they do to come across these phones? I think I heard that a sales rep or manager at a Carrier retail store may have the power to sell phones out of the store? Or they can order contract phones and then terminate the contract right after you got the new phone? I don't know if any of these are True but if you know how they come across these phones, I would love to hear the answer!
NOTE: the phones were not stolen, I checked the ESN's of each phone and I have never gotten a Bad ESN.

Buying Stolen Property off Ebay?

I was wondering how I can make sure I'm not buying something stolen from ebay. I want to buy an Iphone from ebay that is 50$ and has a clean ESN, but has a cracked screen. How can I make sure that I'm not about to buy something that is stolen. The user has a good rating.alot! I really would like the advice!

Buying Stolen Property off Ebay? - 1

I was wondering how I can make sure I'm not buying something stolen from ebay. I want to buy an Iphone from ebay that is 50$ and has a clean ESN, but has a cracked screen. How can I make sure that I'm not about to buy something that is stolen. The user has a good rating. Alot! I really would like the advice!

How many apps can an iphone 4 hold?

I got an iPhone 4 for Christmas from gamestop and its refurbished 8 GB. If i have about 200 songs, and maybe 2-3 episodes of a TV show (half an hour) how many apps could i hold? Will i have enough room for about 5 pages of apps, or atleast enough for 50 apps?