Are Iphones as good as people say?

Are iphones really all that? People always make a big fuss and brag about having one but are they even good like the iphone 3, 4 and 4s

Why won't Siri listen to me?

I have an iPhone 4s and whenever I try to talk to Siri, I press the button and it goes "bing bing, bong bong" and won't give me a chance to talk

Anyone ever wanted access to a partners text messages?

Look no further, I have actually found a solution, well I'll let you be the judge of that. The problem is it is not right and so only help will be provided to those who can confirm it is their own phone and they have lost text message etc etc. It requires little assistance from you and no physical contact with the actual iPhone itself. Of course with every service there's a price to pay, nothing will be expected until proof has been provided to you as there are limited occasions when it may not work, but 95% of the time we're able to access text message, photos, call list and much more.

How to Jailbreak a sprint iPhone 4?

I have a iPhone 4 from sprint that I want to jailbrake I want to know what's the best program to
use? It has the 5.1.1 software on it.

Added (1). Where do you download it at? I have looked all over the net and all i get is other dumb programs

Cheapest Way to have iPhone?

My mother is being told she can only have an iPhone activated with her phone company if she purchases an unlimited $50 plan. She doesn't use her phone very much, so she doesn't feel it would be suitable for her. Is there any other cheaper plans anyone knows of?

How to put apps on iPhone without using iTunes?

Well my old laptop broke and so I got a new one. My phone is stll synced with the iTunes from the broken laptop so if I sync it with the new laptop everything on it will get deleted, and I really don't want that to happen. I've found a way to put music and videos on my phone without using iTunes, but my phone is jailbroken, and I want to know if there's a way to put apps on my iPhone from my computer without using iTunes.