Parental control on iPod Touch / iPhone?

If I'm using someone else's Wi-Fi, can they restrict what websites I visit from their computer? Even if they've never touched my iPod or iPhone? Or do they have to physically access my iPod?

Also, can they check my internet history from their computer? If I delete my history can they still see it?

I don't want to sound sketchy haha, I'm allowed to use their Wi-Fi but I just don't want them to see what sites I visit.

They have to physically access your iPod if they want to do anything.
& I'm pretty sure they can't check internet history from their computer.

If using their Wi-Fi, yes - they can set restrictions at the router.
Chances are they can't see your history, as most routers won't record history.

If you want full parental control for the iPod or iPad, check out FREE McGruff SafeGuard.

You may remember McGruff "The Crime Dog" - Take A Bite Out of Crime - from your own childhood.

They also offer have a Windows Parental Control software: (

McGruff SafeGuard provides a Child Safe Browser app which is identical to Safari, and provides parents with full control of the categories of websites that a child can visit.

The browser app also provides a report of activity to the parent via email.

Check out