Picture vs mirror, what to believe?

So I've been thinking of this subject for so long, i look in the mirror and I see myself and I like the reflection like everything looks okay and how I'd imagine, but when i take a picture/video of myself (using the front facing camera on an iPhone 5s) I tend to look quite a bit different like my face is chubbier and very uneven compared to the mirror

I heard about the true mirror concept also where you see an unreversed mirror image, that looks similar to the mirror.

I just was curious to know which one is the best representation of how others see me, and is the difference really major. Can I rely on the mirror to show me what I look like

I'm definitely no expert but I'm going to say the mirror is the best representation of how others see you. Even though the Image is reversed, I think cameras and pictures flatten everything and warp faces and objects. I saw someone yesterday who I haven't seen in a while and she looks so much prettier and different than in her photos.

When you look into a mirror that is the reversed image of how other people see you so what an iPhone does is when you record yourself when you go to save it, it flips the image over if you are filming on the front camera. Using the back camera doesn't need to flip it so that is actually what you look like to other people. It's probably because you look in the mirror a lot that it looks weird seeing the reversed image of you which is the actual way you look to others.

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