Playing guitar through a speaker thing similar to an ihome?

Would it work if i played my guitar like this?: i would plug a regular amp chord into my guitar and on the other end would be a multi effects pedal with another amp chord on the output jack and on the other end of that chord would be something like this: which would go into a regular speaker meant to play ipods. It also has an auxiliary input in the back which is where that would go. Would that work or would i lose sound quality/volume in the adapter? This is the speaker i have: i'm pretty sure its 30w and i don't need it to be that loud it will just be for practicing.whatya think?

You will lose quality for sure, this may be dangerous to the speakers too or just sound awful, I would just get a cheap amp.

I would work better if your pedalboard has a headphone out. Then you could get a stereo cable (1/4" to 3.5mm stereo, or 3.5mm stereo on both ends depending in the headphone out jack) to go to the aux in. Or you could just use headphones.