Pre-paid iPhone 5 vs Contract version?

I signed a 2 year contract with Verizon, last year, and they all of a sudden want to charge $750 dollars for the last bill. -I have the iPhone 4 right now.

I'm fed up with the contract thing I'm paying $115 dollars monthly.

So if I switched to pre-paid and purchased the iPhone 5, what are the differences gonna be?

Like there will still be iTunes & stuff like that, right? I don't know how different everything will be. The service will probably terrible, won't it?

Should I go pre-paid with the iPhone 5 or should I go to AT&T?

Everything inside the phone still the same for both prepaid or contract

You should choose which is best price and best monthly fees to buy

you Can buy AT&T iphone too mate

Compare it here:

At t have expensive plans
Prepaid iPhones aka unlocked are more expensive but in the long run it is cheaper if you get the right plan so look at your plan options from all carriers

There's nothing wrong with an unlocked iPhone and you won't be missing anything and you will get more out of it.

Don't let the phone price which will be pricey scare you away if you get the right plan it can be cheaper in the long run

Prepaid monthly will be cheaper but it does have some drawbacks. The phone will cost full retail price (Unless you buy used and even then it can be over $500), All the features remain and you can use everything just like on cantract, Depending on the carrier you go with there can be limits. Now if you go with AT&T or GSM iphone 5, you can do AT&T official prepaid, Talk text unlimited for $50 then add the appropriate data plan can cost up to $100 a month. There are some branch off companies (Like H2O unlimited) which is $60 a month for talk, text and 2GB of web.

You could also go with T-Mobile but be aware that AT&T iphone runs at 1900Mhz for high speed data and T-Mobile uses the 1700Mhz and 2100Mhz for that same data. The upside is T-Mobile is working on rolling out the 1900Mhz for users with AT&T phones. So depending on where you live this could be perfect as T-Mobile is only $50 a month for everything unlimited.

Just do your homework when buying the iPhone because the Verizon and Sprint version cannopt be put on to most prepaid carriers.

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