Problem connecting laptop to Wi-Fi after putting on password?

I just put up a password on my bsnl modem Wi-Fi and i have problem connecting my dell inspiron to it. All my other devives such as nexus 7 and iphone connect to it. I got wimdows 8 and it shows that -
The settings saved on this compute for the network do not match the requirements of the network.

Oh i had this issue the other day. Not sure how i resolved it to be honest.

1) Restart the DELL.

2) Start menu, type. Device manager, And select in from the list.
Right click the Wireless Device and select uninstall.
Then Right click the top Tree/option. Scan for hardware changes.

3) Unplug router. Wait 10 seconds. Plug it back in.

4) Get a small pin and insert it into the routers RESET hole.
Wait 10 seconds and then remove pressure on the pin.

After trying all those my partners laptop connected to Wireless.
Then the next day my PC had the issue which resolved itself.

Oh and i just remembered i Disabled the Wi-Fi Bands in my.
Router configuration, Saved it, and then re-enabled them and saved it.
Pic ->

Every router is different. The settings and config access is different.
Guide for some routers ->
(See method 2)

Hope it helps.

Thank you bro. I'll try it out

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