Problem with deleting music from my iPhone?

My brother put a bunch of music from his computer onto my phone, and when iOS 6 came out, I deleted a lot of it (not from my computer, but from my iPhone) and it was gone for a week or so. One time, when I went on my computer, it had all the music with a little exclamation point next to it, and on my phone the words are grayed out and I can't click it or anything. I went on my computer and tried to delete the music, however, when I double click the song, it will not give me the option to delete. How do I delete these? Please answer if you have any idea, thank you!

Also, if you know about transferring music to iPhones please check my question before this one. Thanks.

Added (1). I can't delete it from my phones media, its grayed out and doesn't do anything.

Go on your iphones library and just slide the song with your finger to the left and click delete

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