Putting a border on a Instagram Video?

I want to put a border on an instagram video. I have a Galaxy S 3 & I know for iPhones you can use squareadyv but I can't find it for android!

When Instagram enabled video sharing, uploading videos became way more addictive than photos. After shooting several films on my iPhone, I really wanted to upload previously shot videos. I did some research and created a tutorial of how to upload videos shot with any camera at any time to Instagram. Earlier this week, Instagram enabled uploading directly from your camera roll, making my tutorial unnecessary.

I realized that while Instagram now lets you crop and upload videos in the app, it really is still lacking the finer control that you can get by editing a video in a traditional NLE such as Premiere Pro CC. By editing a video before copying it to your camera roll for uploading to Instagram, you can perfectly control the quality, framing, and get a much higher quality than just shooting and uploading. This tutorial will show you the export settings for the highest render quality for Instagram, and even show you how to upload widescreen videos.

http://whoismatt.com/instagramexportsettings/ use this website how to install instagram videos.

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