Really confused on what to get, need opinions

Ok basically my boyfriend is getting me really nice jewlerry and a book for Christmas and maybe an iPhone case, but I'm confused as what to get him!

I was thinking eaither one or two of these:

Dynamo (it's a DVD I noticed he said he loved)
Gavin and Stacy series one or two or like a random series (he really likes Gavin and Stacy) (its. A tv series)
A watch (he said he hates having to get his phone out in lessons to check time)
Family guy season 10?

He's a typical guy and I'm not sure what to get him:'( my budget is about £25 because I'm like broke.

But any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

I think if he's getting you jewelry and an iPhone case, then you should get him a watch and one of those DVD's you say he loves (get the one he loves the most)

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