Receive landline calls on your iPhone?

I know I can buy accessories and special docks which allow my incoming calls on mobile to be diverted to a landline phone, but i want the complete opposite. I want my landline calls to be diverted to my iPhone when I'm at home, as this is the phone which is always by my side. I know I can forward the telephone calls, but this carries charges with my carrier.
So, what I guess I want is some kind of bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity between my house phone and my mobile which works when the iphone is within range, and perhaps an accompanying app which enables this process to work?

No, I do not know of nay device of such that would do this, actually this is the first time I have heard of wanting to do that. I think the best thing for you to do is it just forward the calls, that's all that I know you can do.

I want to be able to do this as well, it may be ridiculous but I want to be able to answer the phone at work while I'm on the other side of the office without haveing to go back and forth.

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