Reset all settings on iphone?
After doing that my phone has gotten faster. Why is that? Did it renew all my softwares?
No it brought it back to factory settings, and therefore deleting everything allowing your iPhone with more memory or "room to maneuver" so to speak
You might have stopped the push settings, or it turned off most software so it didn't waste all the ram
- Will the MAC address of my iPhone reset if I reset my iPhone to its factory settings over iTunes? I have jailbroken my device and used terminal to change my MAC address so that I could connect to school's Wi-Fi. But when I wanted to change it to its initial number, I typed in a wrong value and it just messed up my Wi-Fi, I can't connect to Wi-Fi anymore. Wonder if resetting to factory settings would help…
- What settings will it change if I press reset all settings on my iPhone? Also, will this help speed up my iPhone because that's what I've heard. Because my iPhone has been so slow lately and taking like 3-5 minutes to send 1 text. If you know of any other ways that could help speed that up please also let me know that.
- What if i reset all settings? I have to reset all my settings on my iPhone so what will happened? I mean, will all my music and photos delete?
- In my school there's a NO PASSWORD Wi-Fi but you can't connect. Some can, because he change something in settings in phone in Wi-Fi settings? Please tell me how! I need it very much, if somebody help me, i give him steam key. I need to know ho to do that on iPhone. He just add some port or something like that.