Router only allows 1 device Internet access?

I have a linksys router. Has worked fine for a while. Just got Internet back. Whatever device connects wirelessly to it first works perfectly fine. The next devices that attempt to connect to it get assigned the generic ip and do not have access to the Internet.

I have no computer, using iPhone and iPad to set this up.

Dchp is on. I've reset it several times and tried. Changed the ip of the router, etc.

I'm sorta technology illiterate, and need some help./

How many devices have you tried connecting to it?

Are you saying when one IOS connects the other can't?

Try leaving the Router open without security and see if both connects…

If works, see which security works with both IOS devices.

I don't think apple products like WEP encryption

First, check your DHCP server settings. The IP pool range should be something like to
No device connecting to the router should get, that is the router's IP address. It is impossible unless something else is giving out IP addresses.
Check the wiring, make sure the WAN/Internet port is the one connected to the modem. Someone may have (by mistake), plugged the modem into the LAN port.

Contact with your internet provider and they will increase Wi-Fi access devices free of cost and if you want di it yourself then you will destroy internal connection settings… So don't try this yourself and contact with internet provider

Adrian is correct. Your Router configuration may be set to allow only 1 user.

Try connecting to Router with cable wired to a computer. You should get in the habit of working in the Router settings with a wired connection.It's just safer. Some reseting can lose the Wi-Fi signal and prevent completing without wired connection.

1. Open a Browser.

2. Type into search box.

3.In the "Setup" page under sub-menu "Basic Setup", look down the page to "Maximum Number of Users"

4. If there's a 1 in the box, change it to a higher number based on number of devices you might want to connect.

5. Save Settings and close.

That IP is reserved for the router. If in case only one device is allowed, you need to re.configure the DHCPs IP address pool.

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