Should I bring these things when running away from home?

I'm a 17-year-old Japanese girl and living with my parents in Japan. They're far from bad parents. But they are strict Christians. I'm forced to attend church. I can't wear shorts, can't listen to secular music, can't date (even if I already finished high school), etc.

I do have Christian beliefs. But it's too much sometimes. I've tried to talk about it to my parents. But they say that I'll be free from their rules when I turn 20 (because that's the legal age in Japan).

I want to run away to Tokyo (I live in another rural prefecture). I already have a friend who's willing to take care of me until I'm financially stable enough to be 100% independent. I also have an agency based in Tokyo willing to hire me after I turn 18 (it's an escort agency).

But. I'm not sure if I should bring my passport and my iPhone. I'll need the passport to prove my identity if ever asked. And I need my phone just in case. I don't want to be tracked down by cops or my parents.

Very bad idea. Stick it out for another 2+ years and leave on your 20th birthday.

This can't be real right?

Don't run away to Tokyo, especially to become an escort. You will never get back out.

Well if you have money buy a new phone if you do buy a new phone pay cash the cops can track credit cards and your phone so don't bring your phone passport i don't know

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