Why do so many kids these days have no respect for the things they get?

A lot of kids these days get mad if they don't get a new iphone, ipad or laptop, game station, etc.
When my friends and I were kids we and the other kids had legos, gameboys, Nintendos, and crayons with coloring books. But everything was appreciated. More kids were greatful then. Why aren't today's kids as greatful? Especially since everything works better now.

Maybe they ARE grateful but have a cynical way of showing it

Because our generation has 'improved' (so bogus). The 50s were the days!

This always has been a trouble with kids btw because you and your friends won't that doesn't mean kids in your generation aint

I read an interesting article on how parents always want better for their kids than they had, yet then they go and complain about how their kids don't understand what it is like to be worse off.
Let's be honest, every generation complains about the next one. C'est la vie.

Because they get everything they want!

I miss the Lego, Nintendo, game boy and DS days.

I always appreciated everything. If I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas I sucked it up and put on a smile.

Also, I'm 15 and supposed to be messed up like the rest of my generation.

I 100% agree with you.

Because their parents didn't show them how to be grateful.more then likely their parents spoil them thus they have bad parenting skills. Only way to be grateful for what you have is if your parents don't spoil you. For example take me and my oldest sibling. I don't have a car, i'm just learning to drive, i catch the bus to school all the time nor do i get everything that i want usually if i want something i need to earn the money somehow probably saving money i get from christmas and bday gifts or sell things i already have like video games and what not. Where as my sister who is about 4 years older then me got her first car right after highschool ( i have yet to even get a car and i graduated highschool about 4 years ago ), she gets everything she wants and she works ontop of that.

the point is my parents spoiled her while me i don't get spoiled. This is why i'm more appreciative then she is. She isn't a bad person all the time but she can be unappreciative a lot of the time as well. I see a lot of young kids with better things then i own like cell phones, cars, computers, etc. I'm guessing their parents buy it for them due to lack of parenting skills this is how people are raised up the wrong way in general. You ever seen a child beg for a toy and when his parents didn't buy it for him he threw a fit? That is how they end up.

Maybe because enough is never enough? Maybe it's because everyone wants to fit in? Like a girl walking to school and she sees all of her friends holding electronics, while she doesn't have any.

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