Should I buy an S9 or an iPhone 7?
Should I buy an S9 or an iPhone 7?
What do you want it for? If you want people to see it and think you're cool, go for the iPhone. If you want it to make phone calls, send texts, take photos and run apps, you'll find a $100 Chinese Android phone will do all that. What's more, no-one will steal it.
Samsung Galaxy S9.
I would go with the IPhone 7. My brother has a S9 and he said it's preety sh#@! To control so he sold it and bought the X
S9 is better
Iphone definitely
That depends on what you are looking for in a phone. One draw back to the iPhone 7 is the lack of a headphone jack which requires you to buy a cable to be plugged into your charging port on your iPhone. One disadvantage of the S9 is the instability of android OS. The OS has been known to get viruses. Yes iPhone can be hacked by Chinese people and can mess with you clanendar, text messages and in my case the reminders. Again your pick.
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