Should I buy iphone 5 or iPod touch 5?
Should I buy iphone 5 or iPod touch 5?
If you don't have a phone, get the iphone 5 that way you can actually make phone calls and text, also iphone is the lastest iphone out now with more features.
Well the iPhone 5 costs way more than the iPod touch 5. For the iPhone, you pay monthly and it isn't cheap, but for the iPod you don't pay monthly. If your looking for something to play games with and stuff, then go for the iPod. But if your looking for a smartphone to text and so on then buy the iPhone. Simple. If you just want the iPhone because you think it's better, and not for the phone, then your making a mistake because there's a huge cash difference.
Don't buy anything by apple, its overpriced pieces of plastic. Get a reliable samsung or nokia
If you don't already have a decent, moderately-modern phone then go for the iPhone 5.
If you do then go for the iPod touch 5, as it is obviously cheaper.
The only really difference is whether you can ring people or text them (obviously you can't on an iPod) but on the iPod you can message other people who have apple products.
Hope I helped.
Depends on your budget.
If your willing to pay the extra money and wanting a more advance phone than go ahead and buy the iPhone 5. The Phone 5 is thinner, lighter it has a 4 inch retina display screen, it plays graphics and videos twice as fast as the previous iphone and of course comes with more advance features with siri. It also comes with the new apple earpods with micro phone and remote.
The iPod 5 have very similar features as the iPhone 5 aside from the calling but the iPod is capable doing so and can act as an cellular device if has Wi-Fi. The iPod 5 also has a 4 inch retina screen and siri which is the only device aside from the iphone with siri! Its now very thin, come with 5 different colors. The ipod loop which allows you to strap the ipod to your hand and the apple earpod ( which doesn't come with the mic and remote )
based on my opinion i suggest you to get the iPhone 5 if your older and want a new phone
but the iPod comes with almost identical features with a lower price ( $299 + tax )
Do you want to spend $100 per month on a phone/data plan (iPhone), or just connect to Wi-Fi (iPod)?
IPhone 5 it has 4G LTE the awsomest thing ever! And you can make phone calls. I have the iPod touch 5, Its SUPER delicate the frame chips easily. So buy iPhone 5
Instead of buying an iphone 5 buy an ipod touch 5 and if you need a phone just buy a 8 pound a month one. It is much cheaper insted of buying an iphone 5
Should? I wouldn;t know what circumstances make one of the two (or even both) something you SHOULD get.
In any case.these are 2 different devices that do different things and have different costs associated with them. It depends on what you want and how much you're willing to pay for it - neither of which were included in your question.
Iphone 5 is more expensive with the whol contract. But you can text and talk with people on the go and you can have 4g wireless connectivity. Ipod touch is more slim and no big contracts but you can't use internet on the go
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