Should I buy the iPhone 4S now or wait for the iPhone 5?
Should I buy the iPhone 4S now or wait for the iPhone 5?
I would wait
Wait for iPhone 5.
Wait. B cheaper
Wait iPhone 5
IPhone 5, it comes out in September and if you don't like the features on iPhone 5 or the price then just buy the iPhone 4s
Definitely wait for the iPhone 5! That's what i'm doing. It will be worth it. It always is with apple.
Well the iphone 4S is Good if You drop it, it won't break easy at all… Its Tough especially if you have a Case but the iphone five of Course has so much more than the Iphone 4s… But it will break easier i kno it may be more fancier but the iphone 4S will Last u Go with the iphone 4S
Dude, the new iphone is about 1 month away. Why not wait?
Depends on if you want an iPhone now or if you can wait.
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