SHOULD I CALL HIM? But i'm angry? - 1
For my boyfriends birthday i texted him with watssapp. Then sent him a postcard with fb. I called him he didn't risponde. Then i texted him again just to say i called him. Then he wrote me he didn't hear because his little cousins were playing with his iphone… We're both on holidays away from each other and we hadnt talked for about a week. I missed him so much. We're both turning back tomorrow from oir holidays. I'm a little angry to him. Like instead of writing" its because my cousins" he should have called me. Or is it me which supposed to call again because its his birthday? What should i do for not acting like a child… Maybe he doesn't wanna talk to me?
If you both go to the same school and you have a class together talk to him either before or after class. If you don't have a class together catch him in the halls. Wait until he is not around friends. Something like that needs to be talked about when friends are not around.
You're angry over this? Don't feel so entitled, girl. He's busy with his life and plans as you should be. At least he contacted you. That's what counts. And for future reference, give your boyfriend a chance to respond. You texted him twice and called him.
Just talk to him. And it should work
To be honest with you he doesn't want to answer. If he didn't really hear the phone why didn't he call you back? Don't call him! Wait for him to call!
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