Should I consider to buy an Iphone 5?
I'm considering to buy an Iphone 5 for my son's birthday present.
I heard there some problems on it? Camera scales, mapping and others.
Don't know if I should buy him a iPhone 5 or Samsung note II
Have you read the user reviews for the phone on Verizon's wireless site?
Many problems solved with recent update 6.0.1.
Maps still incomplete though.
Personally I'm waiting for iOS 6.1 release or google maps app on the AppStore, because I already have an iphone4 and I'm happy with it.
This remaining maps problem should not, however, delay the purchase of an iphone5 to someone who does not have one already.
I'm convinced the iPhone is cooler and more user friendly than any other phone; besides I'm not convinced that the stylus is suitable for young people outside the work place. However if you're son is a geek, a Samsung will not scare him. And it is cheaper, right?
There are some issues with iPhone 5 but I'm sure they'll working on it and it will be fixed when the latest update coming.
However if you can't deal with these issue why don't try Samsung, Galaxy III or Xperia T? Those are very good smartphones too
The iPhone 5 has its issues (maps are abysmal) but there aren't many; it's an amazing (if expensive) phone with a design second to none.
The Galaxy Note 2 is also an incredible phone. It's very similar to the iPhone in terms of processing power, camera, screen clarity, etc. But has much better battery life (better than any smartphone except for maybe the Razr Maxx HD). The App Store (iPhone) and Play Store (Note 2) are similar in terms of the number of apps available now.
The choice ultimately comes down to one of screen size (the difference between 4 inches and 5.5 inches is huge) and Android or iOS. Personally I think the Note 2 is a better phone but you can't really go wrong with either.
One final suggestion: check out the Nexus 4.It is coming out very soon and is only £279 unlocked. It is a top of the range phone, offering equal to or better than performance than the iPhone 5 and the Note 2. But the price point is pretty crazy for a phone that is arguably the best phone in the world right now.
The maps problem isn't a hardware fault, it's with the last software update on all devices and will be corrected in the upcoming updates hopefully. It isn't a huge problem, two estates in my local area have been built over 10 years and on Apple maps they are both just being built, but it is no bother because you can download official Google Maps from the App store free of charge which is up to date.
And for the camera, I've heard about this, it's rare apparently and is something to do with the lighting I think but it will have been fixed by now I think.
They're the only two problems I've heard. I would get him the iPhone 5 if I were you, iPhones are better than Android phones.
Iphones are too small
I would take the Note II
plus the S-Pen opens the door to all kinds of capabilities…
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