Should I Continue Reading The Batman: Court of Owls Story Arc?

I'm new to the batman comics and have started using the DC Comics iPhone app and have bought three issues of this Batman arc. I kind of like it but wanted to know if there's a better Batman arc to read that is on the app that includes a more widely known character and Batmans problems with character over a fairly large span (The Joker, Bane, Ra's Al Ghul, Scarecrow, Two Face, Mr. Freeze… )

Court of the Owls is the best recent story arc. I liked it and I think you should read it. What made it good is that it was refreshing. We're not just reading the same old storyline with the same old villains. Since you're new, it's a different story.

Hush was my personal favorite. Although the main storyline is Batman vs Hush, it includes other villains and heroes you'll probably know. If you like the Joker, then you might want to try The Killing Joke. There's also Knightfall, if you're into Bane breaking Batman's spine.