Should i delete all social media accounts?

So most of you know that I have been getting really bad comments on how I look and to be honest I'm 13 and it is causing me anxiety, daddys booked a holiday to get away from it all so that's good I guess, but the comments will still be there on my iphone when I get back so I dunno weather I should delete all social media sites,

opinions please

You don't have to darling. If you're okay with it and you strong enough to let it go, then just let it be. Haters gotta hate anyway.
But if you think that these media accounts are annoying you, making you uncomfortable, making feel bad about yourself, and you can't handle it. You should probably delete just to clear up your mind.
A vacation is a very good idea to clear up your mind.
My advice to you, let you be you. Don't mind what anyone says about your look. You're 13. You'll learn so much things in life. And one of them is you don't wake up to please people on the internet or anywhere.

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