Should I do this with my iPhone?

I bought my iPhone 4 a few weeks ago. I can return it within a month. Should I do that and then use an old leftover phone until the new iPhone comes out in the fall?

Nah iPhone 5 not gunna be much different just update your iPhone when the iPhone 5 comes out

I doubt there will be much of a notable difference, but it honestly all depends on what makes you happy. Do you want the best of the newest right away, or are you happy with how the iPhone 4 works? If you want to be on top of all the new electronics and this is bothering you, then return it, use the old phone, and pay more for the iPhone 5 in the fall.

Personally, I'd keep the 4, but that's only because I'm quite happy without having the newest of the best right away (no dig at anyone who does. This is just personal feeling).