Should I drain before recharging?
Should I drain my iPhone 4s battery before recharging? I've had the phone for about a week and I keep recharging it when the battery indicator is about half… Is that bad?
I think one reason for doing a complete cycle once in a while is to keep the battery monitor calibrated.
My phone was shutting down at 10% remaining and I was advised by someone on here to perform a couple of complete drain and charge cycles. So far it seems to have helped.
Sort of. The battery itself is getting half bad. So if you are chargining at mid point (45%-65%) then that means half the battery will drain fast while the other half is slow. So you are basically using the battery unevinly.
Also you should do a full battery cycle once a month (15%-100% the 15% is for saftey reason. Like you are stranded somewhere or what ever. It is the "untouched" part of the battery which SHOULD last the longest".
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