Should i get a IPhone 5 or a puppy?
My birthday is coming up on the 22 and my stepdad said he would get me, a white iPhone 5 or a boy husky puppy and i Really like dogs but hes gonna surprise me between those two what would you prefer before he buys em
Adopt a pup.
Puppy, a phone can't lick your face with puppy kisses.
A Husky pup i think
Puppy duhh samsung g3 is way better
Your iphone will be out of date in a year but you will be able to use it for 3-5 years as long as new technology doesn't impede on its function.
A puppy will cost much more than an iphone, with food, medical bills, time to train it, the day to day responsibility, and so fourth. But the dog will probably be around for 10 years but you will probably move out by that time
Get a puppy… Is it really worth it. I mean payphones are everywhere. And so are the local high schools where people leave their iPhones out in their backpacks.
IPhone 5
you can spend time playing surfing using various cool apps
you don't have to feed it everyday many times… Just charge it once and get lots of battery backup
you won't have to clean its
you won't have to wash it(never do this one)
you can show off to your friends
the list goes on but it will be boring if i write more
Get the dog!
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