What age should i bathe my puppy?

My puppy os coming home tomorrow and will be 8 weeks.she's a malipoo(maltese/poodle).
A couple days bak i went with my dad to petsmart and we asked the lady since she's white should we get whitening shampoo or puppy shampoo and she told us white but she shouldnt bathe her until she's 6 months but everythig i have read on here says to bathe them before that.
Please help(sorry for the poor punctuation its hard to type on my iphone

6 months! That's a long time. I think it's okay to bathe her now but I think you should blow dry her since she can get sick from being wet for too long.

You guys can bathe her now but don't use whitening use regular puppy shampoo. MUCH better for a pups skin

You can start bathing her now. I usually bathe my dog every other week.

You can bathe her when you get her.
Don't bathe too often because you will just be stripping the natural oils off the dog's fur (ever 6 weeks will be enough for your dog)

Hopefully you are getting her from a shelter or rescue because no reputable breeder breeds mutts.
Just a heads up for you since puppies from a byb are usually poorly bred.
Anyways, even if you did get it from a breeder there's nothing I can say to you so all I will say is good luck with your new puppy.