Should I get and Ipod or an Iphone?

I'm wondering which device would be the best for me, an ipod 4 or 5 (what's the difference?) or and iphone blah and blah. As you can probably geuss, i don't know a lot about technology!

okay so i'm not going to be texting 27/7 and i'm just going to be making the occasional phone call
i'm going to use it mostly for music and games
i want it to be small and thin (and shiny! Lol)
and preferably cheap


Iphone for sure! You'll always carry it around with you instead of having to carry a phone AND ipod! You'll really love the iphone! Make sure to get the 5! There's more space for music and games and it is thinner!

I would recommend the iphone 4 because the 5 has a lot of issues and is way to expensive, especially if you are not going to use the phone and you are mainly using it for music, games, videos, etc. Also the iphone would be better because that way you don't have to carry two devices.