Should I get iphone 5 or 4s for Christmas?

I would like to get an iPhone for Christmas however I'm unsure of which one to buy, at Christmas time will the 4s be much cheaper than the iphone 5 in the UK and if so how much would you estimate? Also what reasons support the idea that I should get the iphone 5?

Why would you buy a 4s when something faster thinner and lighter is out i had the 4s now i have a 5 i LOVE it! Its so much faster then the 4s and i feel that the screen is much more vibrant and clearer. The 5 also feels ALOT lighter i had to get a case because it felt to light you should defiantly get the 5 and if you do get the white it looks so much nicer then the white

Just wait for the iphone 5s. Iphone 5 and iphone 4s are the same. The main difference is the weight, other then that its the same. But if you're going to keep this phone for a long time then might as well get the iphone 5 and keep it.

I don't think 4S will drop anymore, it already dropped alot.

Here is a good video on the iphone 5 features if you haven't seen it:

Mr above is just clueless, thinking those phones are even remotely close tells me he knows nothing about it at all.

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