Should I get my kid a new iPhone?

My kid wants a new phone. He has a 16gb iPhone 5c on Verizon and claims that in all of his 4 classes only 4 other people have a iPhone 5c. If I should get my kid a new phone what iPhone should I get him? (5s, 6,6+,6s+ or 6s and what storage size). We're not due for an upgrade until May 2nd.

Tell your kid that he should wait for the upgrade don't try to spoil him/her.

All the best

? Is the new phone for these other kids to use? Why be concerned about that? You're an adult now.

How old is your kid? He wants a new phone because it's a NEW PHONE. No other reason. Throwing "all the other kids" into his argument shouldn't work with you. That's the oldest line kids have ever given their parents. Stand firm, and he'll keep his phone. As for a phone type WHEN you're due for the upgrade, get him whatever phone will not cost you extra money.

Get it when your upgrade is due, then you can get it on new contract price and you can also then trade in the 5C.

The only reason I would buy a child of mine a new phone is if he had the cash to pay for it, otherwise he waits until it is time for his upgrade, and he had better save his money for that time as he is paying for the AppleCare+ or other insurance and a decent case if I'm paying for the phone.

I don't care what the other kids own or what their parents are going in debt to get their kids so that line of why he wants it, would not work on me.

If you want to buy your kid a new phone, far be it for me to tell you otherwise. But I must stress that I'm 16, and my parents have never bought me any electronics, never got any for Christmas or my birthday. Had to buy them all myself. It certainly taught me responsibility. Think about itit, is it worth $600+ for a status symbol? Something that says "I'm cool"?

And next year all the kids will have brand new cars and you can't have your kid be the only kid without a a new car, right. Just as silly as that sounds no teen needs to have the most expensive iPhone just to fit in, really. I hope you kid can be one of the 4 kids in their class you doesn't try drugs or has a car crash, who can be their own person rather than a sheep which must follow the teen crowd.

10 or older then yes

Obviously because now 6th generation so why not