Should I get nexus 4, s4 or the iphone 5?

If I do get one of these phones I will be buying them unlocked but I'm unsure about which one to pick!

S4 or iPhone 5.
If you like customization = s4
If you like using iTunes or have a Mac iPad etc.go iPhone

I used to have a galaxy note 2 but I switched to iPhone and love it. Simple, easy and I can upload all my songs to it for when I work out.

You should go for s4, it have lot of new feature which other don't have.

Galaxy S4 or the new S4 Active is probably the better choice when taking all factors into consideration. Samsung has done a nice job incorporating a lot of new features into their S4 Series such as eye scrolling. More importantly it has somehow managed to create a waterproof and dustproof S4 Active while maintaining the option to remove the battery. I find this pretty impressive since other phones in the market that offers waterproof capabilities do not allow you to remove the battery.

While iPhone 5 remains as a top choice to many consumers, it remains as a disappointing phone overall. It has not been as "innovative" as the other phones in the market. However, the phone does feel a bit more premium looking than the plastic S4. IPhone 5 is rather restrictive when it comes to customizing the phone in every way. This is probably because Apple would like to maintain control of its iOS and limiting the possibilities of running into bugs while customizing.

Nexus 4 is a good selection but there are many other phones that outperform this phone. HTC One and Galaxy Note II, S4 to name a few.

Final verdict: S4 will be the better choice with the features you gain while you do give up having a smooth operating system compared to iPhone's iOS. You do also have the option to have a backup battery on you rather than getting a phone charging case for the iPhone making it bulky.

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