Should I give up on my career?
I'm 19 currently in community college getting my associates degree and then I wanted to transfer to a university to study cinematic directing. I'm barely in my second semester of college but I don't have a lot of money or even a good job to pay a university and it doesn't look like I can get a scholarship, my grades are good but not good enough to get a good scholarship for a good university which is pretty much what I need given that the film program is their most expensive. That is now my only issue, I'm starting to lose hope in myself. My cousins are always annoying me about how I don't make videos or movies or anything to show I have a passion for it. I don't have a camera or money to get a good camera, or actors. For my high school senior project I made a 7 minute film with a schooled borrowed (terrible) camera and with my cousins as my actors (terrible). They say just use your iPhone camera, which isn't too bad of an idea… If I had actors. Plus with my job and school I don't really have time. Then there's my little cousin, he is 11, he started a YouTube channel, which is growing fast, and he's making skits and vlogs and all this stuff. My point is that this 11 year old could accomplish what I can pretty much only dream of. How? Because if he becomes a good YouTuber he can start to make real money, get noticed, and probably get a job in a series or a movie of some sort like the more popular YouTubers have done, and trust me he can do it.
Yes. Why? Because you are full of excuses rather than ambition. People who want to be filmmakers find ways to make films. They ask their friends; they do documentaries; they make connections and volunteer; they film and film and film. You can't get into a film school without a portfolio and the money to pay for school. You have neither and don't appear to have any way of developing either.
Maybe down the road you can do filmmaking as a hobby. Right now you need to accept reality.
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