Should I go caseless on my iphone 5?

Hi, I have a white iPhone 5 and currently use an otterbox commuter but really want to case-less as I love the look of the phone but worry about breaking it, I do have insurance but am still concerned, what should I do?

Go for a clear hard case

I'd get a really nice case that has a nice design! If you drop it, it will protect it and help prevent scratches which are common!

Go case-less! I go case-less pretty often with my iPhone 4S. Once I did drop mine, and the glass on the back broke. Though it was pretty easy to replace, as they have new parts online. I actually got a white back to replace the black back I had broken, and a lot of people seem pretty jealous of my black and white phone even though I had just broken it.

It really depends, if you want it for protection, think if you are likely to damage it. If its for show then go ahead.

This decision is up to you so do not take any negative answers seriously, If you like the feel and shape and don't want a case you can go ahead AS LONG AS you know that you looked after your previous phones well (because that mean's you care for your old phones).
BUT, I personally think that (my opinion) life is a female dog and for your luck you can drop on a sharp rock so if i was you i would get a cover at least a thin one or one of those leather ones that you can easily put it in and out of.

Live life well and be on guard life is unexpected…

You should use a thin case on your iPhone. Or just use a screen and back protector for iPhone.