Should I keep the baby or abort? Is it a sin?

Help I'm 18 I'm not ready for a child. I don't know what to do I haven't got enough money how can I do it for free I need to save up for the new Iphone 5s

How are you going to abort your baby, Josh?

Obvious troll is obvious

Considering your name is "Josh", which is a male name… I don't think you actually have a problem there either way.

Josh, dude… Might wanna change your name when you troll as a female.

"Josh", stop trolling. Unless you are a girl named Josh, then you have my

Why are you a sausage troll?

If you weren't ready for a baby, my dear, why did you make one? Give him up for adoption. There are charities that will help your girlfriend with medical care, etc.

You weren't the first to lead a girl down the garden path, and you won't be the last, but God gives us his commandments for very good reasons. One of those reasons is to help us keep from complicating our lives unnecessarily.

I will bet you have better things to do than ask this, If not, I feel sorry for you.

Go have some real fun.

I notice you are new here. You may need to look at the guidelines.
Accounts can be closed. Use your wisely and you can get help.

I think pro choice laws should give women unconditional autonomy over their bodies. They shouldn't even need to give a reason. Just have one

Forget the telephone, your mistake is #1 concern from now on… Bring the situation to the authorities and do what they tell you… You will be forced to follow their instructions anyway.

Eye roll
your mythology says life doesn't begin until you can BREATHE.
Have you ever wondered why Jews are OK with it?
The poor who get those phones get them by signing into lengthy phone contracts… They have no extra money to save.
and there's no way to do it for free.

And if that was the case for an expectant person, are they more likely to turn into Mary Poppins after giving birth, or Casey Anthony?

Why do you think you have any right to take away access, or choice from a stranger you know NOTHING about?

edit: go ahead and research hoe desperate the overcrowded orphanages are for yet another child, especially if it has a birth defect and is un-adoptable.
Check out how many thousands of the homeless were orphans who were placed out when they turned 18.
The only way adoption is a good idea is if the expectant knows someone who will take it.

Do the coat hanger trick. Stick it up your doodle hole