Should I sell my iPhone 5 to get the Galaxy Note 2?

So I bought the iPhone 5 and received it the first day it came out but now I have just discovered and have been watching videos on the galaxy note 2. Right now I'm blown away by the screen size and power that phone has. The reason I upgraded to the 5 from my 4 was that I was tired of my iPhone 4 (had it fo 2 years plus) and I wanted a change. However, while I enjoy the screen size, I'm a little bored of it. I absolutely love iOS and I'm totally used to it but Android does look pretty solid but confusing. I'm going to college next year so I'm also wondering which phone would be better for that as I'm probably going to be using a mac and the iPhone will have better compatability with it. Thanks in advance. By the way, the only reason I would sell my iPhone 5 is because my friend has connections and can get me a Note for a pretty good price.

Heck yeah!

Definitely go for the Note 2.It's just so much more powerful than the 5. Although the 5 is a great phone it's no match compared to the Note in my opinion. You'll get used to Android in no time. The good thing about it is you can even skin android to make it look exactly like iPhone right down to the lock-screen and keyboard.

Yes. THe Galaxy note 2 is way better device than the iPhone 5