Should i take Grande the Fat burner?
I'm 17 year old male 18 in a few months and i'm 172cm plus really overweight i'm 107kg
I have been on diets and going to the gym for about almost 2 years tried all different workouts with different combinations but i hit this barrier i lose about 5kg and i don't lose weight nor gain weight and i was thinking of taking Grande so maybe it can help me break the barrier. I would like some advice if i should take it and maybe if so then should i change the dose from 4 capsules a day to 2. If you could get back to me as soon as possible please. Thanks. Sorry for any incorrect spelling as i'm writing this on my iPhone and i may not see any mistakes at the time.
What do you think happens when you stop taking them? You'll just gain back what you lose (IF you lose anything from them because most diet pills are scams). The last 10-5 lbs is always the hardest for nearly everyone. You body wants to hold onto that last little bit of weight. So you have to trick it into thinking it's ok to shed a little more. You can achieve this by aiming to lose it slowly. You should only be creating a deficit at this point of 1/2 lbs per week or 1/2 every 2 weeks.
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